FARO BuildIT Projector 2018.5 Introductory Course

BuildIT Projector is a software by FARO that allows you to create projection plans and run them with FARO TracerM and TracerSI. This course covers all aspects of the software to allow you to make the most out of your hardware.  We will start with the basics, like importing your model and using it to define how to align your projector to it and what lines to project.  We will then cover more advanced workflows such as working with multiple tracers (also known as an array), and a little bit on how to work with a TracerSI’s imaging functionalities for feature-based alignment and in-process verification. 

At the end, there’s a simple 5-question quiz to have a sense of your understanding of the material.

Once the course is completed, you should be able to create and run projection jobs with your own parts and CAD, whether they are 3D surfaces or 2D drawings.